Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Fat Preacher finds new Fisher Price Fear

A couple of questions for you:
Do we really think Jesus is afraid of the this doll?
Are our children so stupid to be led astray this way?
Is this really the best content for our Sunday morning services?

I wasn't surprised to find blame for this doll land at the feet of the president elect. I found this quote on one blog:

I didn't connect it to Obama until after reading these posts, but now it makes sense. I knew that I didn't trust him and this is just another thing to add to the list of why.
Another reader reminded us that we've seen this sort of thing before:
Remember in 1998 when parents all across the United States had hissy-fits because they really, truly believed their children's Teletubby dolls were saying "Faggot, faggot, bite my butt"?

And how about the California woman who threatened a lawsuit in 2000 after convincing herself that a Teletubby doll was telling her child "I got a gun, I got a gun, run away, run away!"

Or the woman who complained in 2006 that a Little Mermaid doll called her daughter "a slut."

Or the parent who claimed earlier this year that a Tickle Me Elmo doll made death threats against her son.
But maybe the scariest reality in this scenario are the filters in our heads not only suggesting the speech of the doll but the maniacal motivation of the Muslims.

Even if there is a way to swap out the voice chip in these Fisher Price Dolls, what can we do about the hate chip that appears to be lodged in our brains?