Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Anniversaries and Fingerprints

Today's a painful anniversary, my own personal 9-11. And even though the collapse was public many of the details were obscured from view. It may be one of the reasons that I remember this date and no one else around me seems to.

I couldn't picture life today standing amidst the rubble two years back. All I could see was disaster; all I could feel was pain. Yet some 700 plus days later much of the cleanup has occured and there are vast, empty spaces on which to build something new; someone new.

Someone knew. Papa remembers the way he wired me; remembers that details intricately woven into my being. He surprises me with kindness. When I take the time to carefully observe what appears to be happenstance in this day, I often find God's fingerprints all over it. I think He leaves them there on purpose, as indications of His love.

I'm reflective today as I look back; grateful as I look down to find scars instead of open wounds; hopefull as I look up with expectancy into tomorrow.


Aida said...

I know you don’t post here much and that’s good but I still keep this link in my feed reader so I can keep up with your posts. You’ve had an amazing journey to freedom and healing and I feel like I’ve been privileged to share it with you. Thanks for the update.

Mumbling Truth said...

Aida, thank you! It feels so good not to need to post things here as often! I am so appreciative of being able to share openly and honestly in the safety of a few friends without the pain that it might cause if I broadcast these things publicly.

Aida said...

I understand. Just know that I'm also available if you want to talk. I have an email address on the profile of my blog should you ever want to use it.